Web Page Review & Consolidation
One of BookTrusts many programmes is Letterbox Club, which is offered directly to Schools and via Local Authorities.
It had a big problem though... over 70 pages of content that needed reviewing and consolidating
Project Outline
The charity needed to update its offering for a programme whilst reducing the amount of pages it had for this programme on its website.
Initial Steps
The first steps for this project was to identify all the URLs currently related to the Letterbox Club. I worked with the organisations Analyst to use the CMS to do this. This quick process revealed that there was over 70 URLs to work with.
These URLs were them put into a spreadsheet and with the aid of the in-house Content Designer we reviewed every page to identify any duplicate content, dead links, out dated information and other anomalies within them. A time consuming, but necessary process.
Design Process
Once the 70+ URLs had be identified and the content reviewed, work on the most important 3 pages began. These pages being the programme home page, the schools focused page and the local authority focused page.
A small workshop with the programme team was held, showcasing our findings (the page number was to their surprise). In the workshop we expanded on the content review, highlighting what content would be correct to place in these 3 pages and in what order.
A content writer then rewrote the content to update and merge what we had. This was followed by myself making high fidelity mock ups of the pages, that were then shared with the stakeholders for sign off prior to them being updated in the CMS and going live.
There were no real stoppers in this project (bar staff holidays) due to it being needed resolving fairly quickly in time for a relaunch of the programme. There was a couple of time consuming elements to the work.
This project was a success, launching prior to the intended deadline and condensing the pages appropriately. With the whole team coming together to make sure all elements worked smoothly.
Post this project, we also looked at the remaining pages of additional content and overall the 70+ pages became 9 and far more accessible to all, making content easier to find and sign up to the programme a smooth and enjoyable journey.